​​​​​​​​Excerpts taken from The Foodie Farmer blog, March 19, 2015

Any chemical can be toxic, whether its natural or synthetic, depending on how much you eat, drink or absorb. Nutrients are the chemical make up of food. 

Nutrients in high doses work as pesticides to control bacteria, fungi, molds and mildews, mainly in fruit and vegetable crops. Nutrients are typically used as protectant fungicides, meaning they are used proactively before disease appears to protect the foliage of the plant... Fungicides, in the form of nutrients like sulfur, copper, zinc, and manganese protect the plant in advance of any disease. They are not "treatments" and do not work after

a plant has developed a disease, they only work to protect the plant from developing the disease. ​​

​We went from milligrams per day as a recommended dietary allowance to pounds per acre to control for disease. The vastly escalated dose converted these nutrients from dietary healthfulness into effective pesticides. 

Pesticides​ that are "natural", as in nutrients are still toxic.  By definition, a pesticide must control or kill something.

There is no such thing as a non-toxic pesticide.​

The​ nutrients in your multi-vitamin are not toxic but these nutrients are not edible at pesticide dose.

The dose makes the poison.​


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​Maggie R. Smith, MS

Phone: 931-607-4176

Email: maggie.smith@viandgroup.com

“Food is essential to life; therefore, make it good.”  S. Truett Cathy